I bought the item for my daughter. She loves it - it’s comfortable, easy to wash. It gives her courage and comfort to be outside. From my side, I didn’t pay for the extradited delivery, and it took forever. It seems to go from the company to DHL to USPS and only then to the customer. The 3-5 day delivery is only once USPS picks it up. It took a week to get to USPS’s hands. That was a disappointment. But the quality of the products still outweighs the wait time.
The sleeve was too large for me even though I measured my arm. The fabric is soft but this hinders the sleeve from gripping my arm and it slides off.
It was recommended by a nurse and allowed my husband to shower without worrying about his PICC.
It was recommended by a nurse and allowed my husband to shower without worrying about his PICC.
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